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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Headin’ Toward Miami

We left the campground around 11:00am on Saturday with a goal of reaching the Miccosukee Indian Resort and Gaming Casino near Miami.  This will be the point where we will turn south toward the Keys.

As we were driving out of the campground, Patsy spotted a couple of peacocks in a pen, and she got a picture of the feathers………….

Everglades Highway 009

Everglades Highway 007

We noticed that as we headed west, the scenery was different…. more growth and some moss!  We also saw a lot of motorcycles on the road…. probably because it was Saturday.  You can also see Patsy’s starfish drying out on the dash……

Everglades Highway 005

Everglades Highway 010

We got to the casino and parked the motorhomes.  We then headed out in our car to check out some of the airboat ride vendors that we passed, and the Everglades “Shark Valley” Visitor Center.  At the visitor center, we walked along a tour road, and saw more alligators……. some sunning on ‘our’ side of the water!!

Everglades Highway 031

Everglades Highway 019

Everglades Highway 020 Everglades Highway 024 Everglades Highway 032 Everglades Highway 033 Everglades Highway 038 Everglades Highway 039

I also got some pretty good bird pictures……….

Everglades Highway 029

Everglades Highway 021

Everglades Highway 025

Everglades Highway 034

Everglades Highway 036 Everglades Highway 037

We also visisted a couple of airboat tour vendors and an Indian Village.

Everglades Highway 041

Everglades Highway 042

Everglades Highway 014

Everglades Highway 016

We are going to wait until we are further down into the Keys before we take an airboat ride.

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