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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Vacation - 2011

With Rick working 7 days a week on a plant startup project, we decided to take our Grandkids and their mother on a short vacation. 

We left on Saturday morning with reservations for three (3) days at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort .  We will leave here on Tuesday, July 5, to spend another five (5) days at the Admiralty RV Resort in San Antonio, TX where we will visit Sea World with the kids.

Rick is planning to surprise the kids by showing up in Port Aransas on July 4 to spend the day with us, if his job progress will allow.  Regardless, he is going to show up in San Antonio on Thursday to spend a four (4) day weekend with his family at Sea World.  They have plans to stay at a hotel near the park, and Patsy and I will stay in the Bus.  Not sure where the kids will end up each night!!!

Here are some pictures of our site at the Port “A” RV park…….

Port Aransas '11 003 Port Aransas '11 001

Port Aransas '11 009 Port Aransas '11 004 Port Aransas '11 005 Port Aransas '11 006 Port Aransas '11 007 Port Aransas '11 008

Right after we got here, we went to town and visited a souvenir store that feathered an entrance shaped like a shark where you entered the mouth and came out the back to go to the store……

Port Aransas '11 034 Port Aransas '11 035 Port Aransas '11 036 Port Aransas '11 038

We then went back to the RV park, and went swimming in the park pool….

Port Aransas '11 012 Port Aransas '11 013 Port Aransas '11 015 Port Aransas '11 016 Port Aransas '11 026 Port Aransas '11 029

In the afternoon, and again this morning, we went to the beach, which is right behind the campground.  The kids are having a lot of fun…..

Port Aransas '11 039 Port Aransas '11 040 Port Aransas '11 043 Port Aransas '11 052 Port Aransas '11 058 Port Aransas '11 061 Port Aransas '11 062 Port Aransas '11 066 Port Aransas '11 072

That’s all the fun that they have had so far…. right now, it is 3:30PM, and everybody is sacked out!!!  Back to the beach this afternoon!!

PS:  Their mom is having fun too.  Last night, she asked if the Bus was in my will to my son, Rick!!   I won’t be eating anything that she serves in the near future or until I get a dog to taste it!

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