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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Texas Bluebonnet Allegros–Rest of the Story


Well………. my excuse is that we stayed up late Saturday night at the concert, and pretty much went straight to bed.  On Sunday morning, we broke camp and headed home to do more work on my garage project, and I just never did get around to completing the blog.  Sorry!

Today, we are picking up the grandkids from school at noon (last day), and leaving directly for Disneyworld in Orlando.  When I started thinking about blogging, I remembered that I had not updated!!

We had great seating at the concert, because the campground roped off an area for campers right in the front, and we were at the front of that area.  NO TROUBLE HEARING….. until after the concert!!!

Here are some pictures of the crew setting up…….


It was entertaining to watch the set up.  A not so famous band opened for the main act, and they were pretty good.  Here are a couple of pictures…..


An hour and a half later, the main show with John Conley, famous for “Rose Colored Glasses”


John is getting up in years……. almost like an RV’er, but he put on a really good show.  Our tickets through the KOA were only $15 each……… so it was well worth it.  Now if my hearing, what I had left, will just return!!

Check back…. our current trip is expected to take 3 weeks, and include Disneyworld, Okefenokee Swamp, the Tiffin factory at Red Bay, AL for a new windshield, and Little Rock to see Granddaughter!


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