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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bus Modifications While at Home

While we are at home, in between trips, we have been busy cleaning up the house, yard and the Bus. We have also been making some modifications to the Bus.

Changing Laundry Hamper into a Closet

While we were at Red Bay, I removed the laundry hamper, took the 'box' part of the hamper off the door, and had the service center carpenter shop to install hinges on the door. I then re-installed the door with the hinges and added a clasp.

When we got home, I cut a board to install on the side to separate the area from the drawers to the left of the hamper location. Here are the pictures (note that I left the drawer pull 'handle' in the top middle to avoid drilling another hole. It works just fine as is):

Picture of opening before separator board installed:

Picture of separator board installed. This is also the amount of 'stuff' that had filled the previous hamper box:

Here'e the picture with the door closed........ looks like it always did!!

Additional lights over the drawers/counter at foot of bed in bedroom

Every since we've had the Bus, we thought that Tiffin forgot to light a part of the bedroom. While at Red Bay, I purchased two lights that were the same as the ones over the head of the bed, and a brown rectangular light switch to match the other light switches in the Bus. We found 12volt power in the bottom of the drawer area, and had to route it up to the top. Here's the finished product.

The area without new lighting:

The same area with the new lighting:

Note that the light switch is located on the bottom side of the TV cabinet. Here's a closeup of the switch and a light fixture:

We will hitting the road again later this month.......... and we are ready!

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