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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fort Myers and Sanibel Island

This posting will catch up on our trip.  Mark has been doing a better job of posting than I have.  You can look at his blog site to see more pictures!

We left the show, and got a site in a KOA on Pine Island for one night, with the intent to find a cheaper site.  We ended up staying there Sunday thru Tuesday night and did our sight seeing from there.

On Monday, we took a day trip to Sanibel Island.  It cost $6 to take a toll bridge across to the island.  We ate lunch at a chain restaurant (according to Mark, because we had never seen one) called Cheeburger Cheeburger , and we had the best onion rings that I have ever had!!  Here is a sign on the way to the restroom at the restaurant that Mark wanted me to shoot: (Note: The restaurant was on Periwinkle St.)

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 038

The following are pictures on the way to the island and on the beach.  The first is the Ft Myers road to the island:

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 001

The Toll Booth to the island…….

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 002

Sanibel Island Welcome Center and Patsy at the Entry Door.  The pastel colors are typical of this part of Florida…….

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 007

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 008

Beach scenery…. a lot of sea “stuff” washes up…

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 012

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 015 Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 018

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 019

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 023

The lighthouse on Sanibel Island…..

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 017

We also saw a large nest on a pole.  It turned out that it is an Osprey nest.  You can see it in the center of the next photo.  The next picture is Patsy and Mark on a walkway near it, and pictures of the chick in the nest and taking a bit of food from an adult bird.  The latter picture is one that Mark took and I stole it from his blog…..

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 026 Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 030

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 036

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 066

There was a lot of trees being planted along all of the roadways similar to below.  We were wondering if it is part of Obama’s ‘handout’ monies…….

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 042

When we left the island, we went to the area of Ft. Myers where the Edison-Ford homes were.  It turned out that Thomas Edison and Henry Ford spent their winters here, and their homes are open for tours.  It was late and we only toured the open parts of Edison’s home.  Here are some pictures.  The first are fichus trees with their roots systems.  I have seen this in pots at home, but never in the ground……

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 047

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 052

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 053

Patsy at a statue of Mrs. Edison with her garden in the background………

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 056

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 057

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 058

Patsy and I at a statue of Tom Edison…..

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 059

A small description of this attraction…….

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 062

Part of the Ford estate across the street……

Ft. Myers & Sanibel Island 064


On Tuesday, we toured more of Pine Island and went to Boca Grande.  I will try to post that trip tonight.


Tootie said...

Ran across your post because of the word Sanibel in it. :) glad you enjoyed your time here. I also think those onion rings are the best ever! Enjoyed your photos. :)

Connie Esparza said...

Seems like you are having a wonderful time in Florida. You have some really nice pictures....keep them coming. It sure was nice talking to Patsy today. The sunsets.....Oscar loved sunsets!