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Southeast (Gulf Coast), Texas, United States

Friday, March 7, 2014

The February Bluebonnet Allegro Rally–Riviera, TX

Late on Monday morning, we left Fort Davis, TX for Travel to Riviera, Texas to attend the February rally of the Bluebonnet Allegro club.  Our plan was to overnight in the San Antonio area, and visits Patsy’s Aunt Verna Mae who recently moved from Gonzales, TX to an assisted living facility, which is near where her son, Jack.

We overnighted at a Walmart on the west side of San Antonio, and on Tuesday morning, we her aunt’s apartment, and had a nice visit.  Here is a picture of the two of them……


It was about noon when we left, so we made a stop at the local Pappasito’s Cantina, my favorite Mexican food restaurant.

We then had another easy day trip drive to Riviera for the rally, where we spent another night with Wal-Mart and re-stocked our MH pantry.

On Wednesday morning, we checked into the SeaWind RV Resort in Riviera.  Most of the club members were already there.  We were all parked together in the ‘overflow’ area, which was nice, but we did not have a sewer hookup……… but it worked out and we had a good rally.  Here are some pictures around the resort……………


At the rally, we had the normal get-together’s at the park, plus we had dinner at a local restaurant, a shopping trip down town to the King Ranch and other specialty stores, and a bus tour of the King Ranch.

The dinner was at the King’s Inn Restaurant and the meal was family style and the food was good.


The old downtown area was interesting and had several shops.  We spend most of our time in the King Ranch shop.  As would be expected, there was a lot of King Ranch branded goods, and lots of leather, with a leather-working shop in the store.  Here are some pictures……


Here’s the leather crafting shop in the store…..


The King Ranch is a very impressive place, especially since it was founded by a guy named, Capt. Richard King!!!!!  However, the tour was very unimpressive.  The best part was some of the original structures on this part of the ranch.  The remainder of the tour could have been seen driving on any back road in Texas!!  Here are some pictures, starting with the visitor center………


…….. and finally, pictures of the original big house where the King’s lived


We had a really nice gathering at this rally.  On Sunday morning, we left for home………. after being gone since January 6, a total of 47 days on the road.  We will be at home for 2 weeks and 2 days, and then we are off again!!!

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